The rise of new markets offered new opportunities for non-professional voiceovers
In the world of advertising and voiceover, the habit of involving people “of the street” in giving voice to commercials is becoming more and more widespread. This returning neorealism has its own logic, considering the establishment of social networks and the sharing of personal, individual content on digital, such as “look how good is the Chinese panna cotta” or do you like my latest bikini? “. We are spending always more time on our screens instead of living a real life. More than normal that we are used to attending the performances of friends and relatives on the web, and our intimacy with ordinary events that rise to illustrative storytelling. It is therefore natural that professional non-actors or non-voiceovers should be hired. This “freshness” of reality naturally has its negative sides, such as greater difficulty in casting, complicated management of compensation, difficult management in the recording room, because in the end you have to say the product well, its benefits you must ” stress ”, the underlining of the offer must go through, etc., etc. The recurring comment for us italian voice actors and Italian advertising voices, while we are on the mike is: “please try not to sound like an actor” or something like that, and it is emblematic of a search for spontaneity that the so-called “institutional voice” cannot give by definition. With the great diffusion of podcasts and live instagram, usb microphones have also spread a lot, transforming many amateurs into aspiring voice talent. Let’s say that the Creative therefore has many possibilities to give the right voice to his product. Choosing a professional Italian voiceover always remains an option full of advantages. Let’s see which ones.

The advantage of being called … a professional Italian voice artist
We use the title of Wilde’s comedy to take back a profession that is treated and mistreated when necessary. It always remains a safe option for anyone looking for an Italian voiceover for any type of production. From documentary to radio communication, from promo to YouTube video, the Italian voice artist has many arrows in his bow to offer many advantages to his clients. Starting with reliability. It will be impossible to obtain an amateur interpretation from a voiceover (a real contradiction in terms), but at least you will be sure to have the skills available when you want and at the established time. It will not make you suffer in front of the microphone, even if you do not have clear ideas and want to try every delivery, from the institutional to the sensual, from the ironic to the aseptic, from the energetic to the promotional. In an hour you bring them all home and even “fill the drawers” (but why every time you register an alternative, you always say “let’s have it eventually put it in the drawer, you never know”?).
Furthermore, the cost is certain, their willingness to make remakes is certain (non-professional voices have a mother who are ready with the pasta into the pot, the grandmother who needs a new caregiver, the boyfriend who breaks up because the world of advertising is full of mandrills. , etc.) and, as Last chance, they also offer you the opportunity to record in its dedicated home studio if the usual recording studio is engaged in other sessions for that week that “if you don’t do the commercial by tomorrow morning, the sun won’t rise again or a tsunami come ”. Well, your Italian voice over professional, in his fully equipped home studio, can turn on the preamps even at midnight and let you find a we transfer on the e-mail with the forty files with the forty different pitches you wanted, including the drunk version if that evening was the his birthday and just before he raised his elbow with friends and then yes we can define it as a “fresh, thrown away” version. Indeed, to be thrown away!

being a pro means put yourself in someone else’s shoes
One of the characteristics of the Italian voiceover professional is that he has trained himself to always be positive, always available, always ready to face your job as if it were what he was looking for for years and that no one had ever offered him apart from you. Believe me, it is a considerable advantage if as a producer you are working at the commercial of an anti diarrheal or a denture glue. It takes the heart of a Pasdaran or a militant of the Italian Risorgimento to do a voiceover job as if it were the last of your life… And in fact, we Italian voice talent professionals always think it could be the last job, every time the phone rings. We interrupt holidays in Greece, go downTown on skis to attend that session, requisitr the DJ consoles of the Sharm El Sheik resorts to do our job connecting with what’s up.
I know colleagues who I will propose to the Italian State President to give them a medal and make them Cavalieri del Lavoro, because they recorded in the hospital reception room, with the complicity of sound designers expert in outdoor film shooting, with the drainage bag still attached to the wound and their face it more in the other world than in this one. I love you, I respect you!
I show with proudness my scar of an operation which I have not respected the course because I was willing for dubbing The Lady of the West and Ally Mc Beal Series (the only chance to give my voice to Robert Downey Jr).
I know voice over actresses who go around in the pouring rain with the rain suit on the scooter and when they arrive in the recording studio they ask for a minute in the bathroom and they succeed with sexy miniskirt and explosive neckline (but where they put their clothes), and in their hand their personal professional headsets and recently also the anti-pop (but what does an actress know about the anti-pop? She knows, she knows …).
Because of this dedication, Because of immolating themselves so crudely to the cause, these Italian professional voices are greatful for a studio fee, for a retake with which you just pay the pizza from the Egyptian, the meager cachet of “two weeks customer site” and go home happy to have served your cause.
Therefore, when you think of a professional voice actor, who does not have a permanent position, who is not covered by the unions, there is only one word that is worth saying and that word is RESPECT!