About me

Radio voice over talent

Everything started with the radio, my first love.  I am an actor, dubber, italian voiceover with more than 20 years of recording experience, providing voiceover services worldwide.

Italian voiceover talent

I am Discovery Channel’s official voice as well as brands’ such as Danacol, Infiniti, Powerade, Lasonil, Neoborocillina, Vileda, Vaillant, Nivea, Mailboxes etc., Infiniti and many more.

In 2010 I created and hosted the radio format “Destini Incrociati”, aired on Radio24: The radio show landed in 2014 on SKYArteHD, named “Destini Incrociati Hotel” and won the international prize Ennio Flaiano for the best cultural program of year 2014.

Radio Formats

The radio experience is a significant milestone in my career, inspiring me to share this experience together with the industrial and communication business. I founded the content factory Cast Edutainment, a content media production house, podcasting editor firm, and Gliascoltabili.it, a podcasting platform where my fantasy and passion can fully express.

I love voiceovering for italian tv programs, video, podcasts, reportage, brand journalism and performances. I am also a Naba University (New Academy of Fine arts) professor of Storytelling techniques.

Together with Roberta Federici, coach, actress and voice over talent, we hold a corporate training course of voice communication tecniques.

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Italian voice talent, actor, dubber.